Think you can help?
We bring to the UK some of the world’s most inspirational aerospace speakers… but at a substantial cost. Guest’s fees are large and growing by the year, yet Ken is always anxious to keep ticket prices as reasonably priced as possible. As a consequence a complete sell out at BOTH the dinner and lecture does not in itself cover the entire cost of each event. We rely on auctions, raffles and a percentage from the sale of photographs to make up the shortfall.
The story of James a big hearted student plumber from Leeds.
Back in January James embarked on career in plumbing, 11th January 2016 his Twitter feed read, @studentplumber1 “my first plumbing job found, a broken stopcock to replace” barely a week into his endeavour “a percentage of tips taken for any work undertaken will be donated to Space Lectures who work wonders bringing science to the community” we could have thought this just an empty gesture but true to his word … 13th February 2016 “my first plumbing job that resulted in a tip! As promised 10% will be donated to Space Lectures” James we received your donation which was very much appreciated. THANK YOU!
Every little helps!
If you think you can help in fundraising, it really doesn’t matter how small all donations are very welcome! We are also constantly looking for quality space themed items for our auction and raffle. We are blessed to have regular contributors without whom it would not be possible. For those of you who offer your support event after event (you know who you are) THANK YOU! Together we can bring more astronauts to the UK and help to inspire many more people both young and old alike. To make a donation please contact Ken directly.